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Sunday 18 August 2013


How to separate hair for dreadlocks

Just get any type of small rubber band will help you well.  before starting dreadlocks. its better to divide hair and then start from the back.  it really smooth-ens the work and saves time. Once the hair is divided, I rubber band half a head at a time.  Tie one side up for later.  Start from the nape of the neck and work your wait toward the forehead.  With a pencil or blunt end of crochet needle, draw a line in the hair to make your first layer of dreadlocks.  Some people like to divide by triangles, others like squares.  I tend to stick with Triangles. Make sure the rubber band is tight but be sure not to pull the scalp too much (this will cause headaches later). then after i start twisting , as they will become soft, loose, and slip down away from the roots.

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