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Wednesday 14 August 2013


this is now what we call dreadlocks...
the people in the images may appear to be many but, they are just 3people all having dreadlocks...
amongst these 3people, Timo appears to have longer dreadlocks and its not because he made them first but its the nature of his hair that grows very first. he is proud of his hair. Emon and Bobo almost have the same size.
the type of dreadlocks they have is the simplest to make for an expert like me(pearl) Timo and Joan,
this started as a small company, and that was in 2008 when we started it, honestly it was all that simple in the beginning because we lacked experience. but as time went on and on the experience was attained, yes we are experts now.
let me give a little background of dreadlocks,
Dread locks have been around for a long time. Over the years people have come up with a number of ways to make them. On this site I'm going to tell you a few different ways to make them, how to maintain them, show you dreadlocks pictures of people we have worked on,different people still have a blind faith that everyone with dreadlocks is dirty or one with them has to be dirty,
i do not believe that at all now days, its the nature of someone instead. anyway i know why that is said, most of mad people especially here in Africa have got dreadlocks be it men or women and this has come about due to the result of not cutting, washing their hair not even a single day.

Not combing your hair is the only/best way to make dreadlocks,
well it works but not 100% true because their are other ways to do it.
This is called the Neglect method, this is how cavemen made dreadlocks, by just not doing anything to their hair. Thank the Lord we have found new ways to make them because this method take at least a year and the hair doesn't even look like dreads during the time, and many people who have made dreads this way have ended up with such severe dandruff cases they had to cut their dreadlocks off and start over, usually with the backcombing method.
Nice dreadlocks are high maintenance.
Most dreadlocks are not high maintenance. The only kinds of dreadlocks that are high maintenance are dreadlocks made from dread perms. Dreadlocks made with the backcombing, twist and rip, twist and pin, neglect, and brush rubbing methods are not high maintenance at all.

Dreadlocks damage your scalp.
Dreadlocks do not damage your scalp. In fact your scalp never even knows you have dreadlocks, because the hair starts to dread about an inch away from the scalp.

Rubberbands break the hair.
False. Rubber bands hold the hair together while the dreadlocks are forming to keep the dreadlocks from falling out. So many people and so many sites wouldn't recommend them if they didn't do such a great job.
for the hair breaking, it depends on the nature of someone's hair and the strong chemicals used in their hair especially women should note that as well.

You have to shave your head when you don't want dreadlocks anymore.
False statement. You don't even have to cut your hair when you want to take the dreadlocks out. Here are the ways to take dreadlocks out:

1. You can cut or shave your head if you don't care about your hair, this is the
fastest way to remove the dreadlocks.

2. Cut the deadlocks until they are about 3 inches long and then soak the rest of
the dreadlocks in VO5 conditioner and comb them out. This will leave you
with about 4 or 5 inches of hair.

3. You love your hair and want to keep it. Just soak the dreadlocks in VO5
conditioner and comb them out, it may take a couple hours but you will get to
keep your hair. Don't worry if you lose a lot of hair while you are combing
the dreadlocks out, this is hair that would have fallen out in the day-to-day hair
removal cycle. The only reason you still have it is because you had dreadlocks
and dreadlocks keep the hair all knotted together.

Mayonnaise, Honey, Toothpaste, Glue, Rubber Cement, Mud, Chewing Gum, Peanut Butter, Shea Butter, Candle Wax and Hair Gel all work great for starting dreadlocks.
Yea, if you want your dreadlocks to fall out, and want to suffer from nasty bacteria and mold growing in your hair. These products are not used or recommended for one reason, they don't work. They were not made for dreadlocks, and there is no reason to try to make them work, if your going to make dreadlocks do it right, get some Dread Head wax and shampoo follow the instructions and you will have great dreads.

Any products that mention or say for dreadlocks will work on dreadlocks.

False. Most products that say for dreadlocks usually aren't  supposed to be used to condition African hair. If the product contains any petroleum then it is your dreadlocks worst enemy.

Dreadlocks are for rastas only.

It is a common misconception that dreadlocks were started by Rastas and only Rastas should wear them. It is common knowledge that cavemen wore dreadlocks, not for spiritual reasons, not for fashion, just for the fact that the comb wasn't invented yet. It is ok for you to wear dreadlocks if you are wearing them for fashion, and it is ok for you to wear dreadlocks if you are doing it for spiritual reasons, hey, whatever works for you.


HOW TO START: (Timo and Joan explains)Requirements/Procedures :
Dread Wax
Residue Free Shampoo
Metal Comb
Rubber bands

1. Wash your hair with a residue free shampoo and let it air dry.
2. Section your hair into sections that are 1 inch by 1 inch. You can use
    rubber bands to hold the sections while you section the rest of your hair.
Start in the back of your head, remove the rubber bands and start teasing the
    hair towards your scalp. Only backcomb about a half inch of hair at a time,    this will keep your dreads from forming loops.
4. Once you have finished backcombing the that section of hair, put a
    rubber band on the tip and one on the root. Add about an M&M's worth of wax
    to the dread lock and palm roll it.
5. Do this to all the sections of hair

Washing Dreadlocks
Can I wash my dreadlocks?

Yes, you can wash your dreadlocks. You should wash your dreadlocks at least once a week, but most people wash every three days.

What should I wash my dreadlocks with?

You should only wash your dreadlocks in a shampoo that leaves no residue behind. Some people say that you don't have to use a shampoo that removes residues or doesn't leave any residues behind, but most of the time, their dreadlocks look terrible and the shampoo is to blame. I recommend Dread Head residue free shampoo.
How often should I wash my dreadlocks?

You should get in the habit of washing your dreadlocks every three days, your dreadlocks will lock up fast and they will look and smell good at the same time. As long as you wash your dreads once a week you should be fine.

but as you are looking forward to have Dreadlocks, you should note the following steps below,Grow your hair out.
As long as possible or the longest length you are most comfortable with. You will need at least 3 inches of hair and a lot of patience. Make sure to keep your hair healthy, heheheh here i don't mean you should apply a lot of unnecessary chemicals especially ladies..

Decide how big you want your dreads to be.
Thicker dreads become compact much sooner and are easier to maintain.But unfortunately harder to brush out . Dreads on average are no thinner than half an inch and no thicker than an inch, but it all depends on your hair type and how you'd like them to look.
3.Find a friend to help.
Dreading your hair yourself is quite difficult and the results will not be uniform. Get two friends if you have extremely long hair. for instance (Timo and Joan) i will say in this case because they are best live examples who are experts i know around me.

  1. Hair Preparation. Begin with clean, dry hair. It can have been washed a couple of days before, but not completely dirty. Shampoo it beforehand (do NOT use conditioner as this will make it harder for you to dread your hair). It is a myth that dirty hair helps dreads. Grease actually lubricates and prohibits real dread formation. You also don't want to have to work on oily, dirty hair.
  2. Brush and blow dry out the hair so no knots or tangles remain. This may seem the opposite of what you want to achieve, but it makes it much easier to separate and section your hair, it also makes your hair alot easier to work with too.

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