(1) The advantage of grilling different chicken pieces is that everyone can
pick the piece they want. The problem is getting all the pieces grilled
perfectly so that everyone is happy. This is one of the reasons many
people have switched to grilling only one cut of chicken. Of course, you
can choose to go this way and use the information here to help perfect
your chicken. I am, however, going to be grilling breasts, thighs, legs
and wings and doing them all together; perfectly cooked.
You should start by deciding on a flavor combination for the chicken.
I will begin with a good poultry rub, then add barbecue sauce at the
end. These are optional, but they do enhance the texture and flavor of
the chicken. If you are going this route, have your flavor decisions
made before unpacking the meat.

(2). Start by preparing your chicken pieces for the grill. You will need to
look for large clumps of fat and loose, unnecessary pieces of skin. Trim
these off. This will help reduce the risk of flare-ups on the grill and
result in a presentable piece of chicken. It is also a good idea to
wash the pieces before seasoning them. Make sure that you pat the
chicken dry with paper towels afterward.
Applying seasoning to the chicken before you start grilling not only
adds flavor to the chicken but helps build up crispness to the surface
as it cooks. Whatever rub or seasoning you like best will do. The secret
is to get it on as much of the actual meat as possible. The skin will
keep the flavor out, so work your herbs and spices under the skin where
you can.
Don't be shy with the seasonings. If you get too much on, it will
fall off on the grill. Since you will loose some while cooking you might
as well put as much on as will stick.
(4)It is important that your grill is clean before you start cooking your
chicken. Make sure that not only is the cooking surface clean but that
there is no grease in the bottom of the grill. The truth about flare-ups
is that they are more often caused by what you grilled last than what
you are cooking now. Preheat your grill on high and make sure that any
drippings in the bottom of your grill are completely burned off.

(5) Now we get to the most important part of the process. The larger pieces
of chicken are going to cook slower than the smaller pieces. We could
adjust for this by putting the large pieces on first and adding the
remaining parts until everything is cooked properly. However, this isn't
necessary. What we want to do is make one side of your grill hotter
than the other.
On a charcoal grill we accomplish this by banking the bulk of the hot
coals to one side of the grill. This gives us a hot side and a warm
side. On a gas grill we want one burner on high and other, set at a
lower temperature. This will depend on the amount of burners on your
grill. On the grill I am using, there are three burners that run side to
side (most grills have burners that run front to back). I have the back
burner on high, the middle burner on medium, and the front burner on
low. Get your grill up to temperature and then adjust the heat down to
around 350 to 375 degrees F. (177 to 190 degrees C.)
Now we are going to put the chicken on the grill. We want to put
the larger pieces closer to higher temperature and the smaller pieces as
far from the high temperature as possible. In this layout we put the
breasts closest to the high heat. Next comes the thighs, then the legs,
and finally the wings in the corners of the coolest side of the grill.
With this set up, everything will cook evenly and nothing will burn.
Okay, maybe it isn't that simple but we'll correct a little as we go.
With this arrangement the total cooking time will be determined
by the largest pieces, the chicken breasts. Expect about 45 minutes to
get through the whole grilling time.

(6) One of the problems with cooking chicken pieces on the grill is
flare-ups. As the chicken heats up, fat will turn into a fine liquid and
begin dripping into your grill. Since we are keeping the chicken away
from the hottest part of the grill the problem shouldn't be too big, but
you may still have flare-ups.
Your best bet is to take control of the flare-ups. Whenever you move
the chicken on the grill take it to one corner that you are not using
and give the piece a good shake. This will drop the grease where it can
burn off harmlessly. By doing this you shouldn't have any serious
If you do have a large flare-up, remove the chicken from the
grill entirely. Leave the lid up and let the fire die down. Once the
flare-up is over return the chicken to the grill and continue cooking.

(7)After about 15 minutes it will be time to check the chicken for turning.
As chicken cooks it becomes firmer. You want to look for a nice brown
color and firmer meat on the bottom side of the chicken. Once you have
this, it is time to turn the chicken over. Turn it over and rotate the
pieces so that the top side closest to you is now the bottom side
farthest from you. This way you get even heat on each piece of chicken.
As you turn the chicken, check to see how the pieces are cooking.
Move more cooked pieces away from the higher heat and less cooked pieces
towards the heat. If the chicken appears to be browning on the outside
but not firm in the middle, turn down the heat so that the inside can
cook without burning the surface of the chicken.
By about 30 minutes the chicken should be mostly cooked and ready
for sauce. If you are not going to be putting barbecue sauce on your
chicken then continue cooking until the internal temperature reaches 165
degrees F. (74 degrees C.) Go to step 9 for more details.

(8) If you are putting a barbecue sauce on your chicken, start when the
chicken is nearly done. Reduce the heat of the grill by turning down the
burners on your gas grill or closing down the vents on your charcoal
grill until the temperature goes below 265 degrees F. (128 degrees C.)
This is the burning temperature of sugar. After you have reduced the
heat, lather on several layers of sauce. This will give the chicken a
thick, sticky coating.
The secret to a good coating is to let the sauce cook onto the
chicken. Apply the sauce to one side of the chicken and close the lid of
your grill for about 5 minutes. Then open the grill, turn the chicken
and sauce the other side. Continue in this way until you have a good
coating of barbecue sauce.

(9) As the chicken gets close to being done it is time to start checking the
temperature. You need to reach and internal temperature on 165 degrees
F. (74 degrees C.). Check all the pieces of chicken to be certain that
they are indeed, cooked. Once you have hit the target temperature remove
the chicken from the grill. Cover and allow to rest for about 5 minutes
then serve.
One note on cooking chicken. You can't really over cook chicken, but
you can dry it out. As long as your chicken stays tender and moist, the
temperature can go higher than our minimum temperature for safety.